BRCGS Approved Polyethylene Plastic Sheet and Polythene Tubing


At Plasmech Packaging Ltd, we are a BRCGS approved polythene manufacturer. The business was established in 1987. Since then we have been manufacturing polythene products suitable for a wide range of market sectors.

All of our polyethylene plastic sheet and polythene tubing is made to order matching your exact specification in relation to; size, colour, thickness, printed or plain, and with or without punched air holes. This is then presented to you in either cartons or perforated on a roll (POR) using cardboard or plastic cores.

Our unique high strength film (Mech 2020) is perfect if you are looking to reduce your packaging costs and can be used in most of our products. Listed below is a selection of our products we manufacture for companies looking to protect their stock with polyethylene plastic sheet and polythene tubing. If you can’t find what you are looking for, contact us and we’d be delighted to discuss your specific requirements.

Lay Flat Polythene Tubing

Centre Fold Sheeting
